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Leakage and Ballooning are
two of the main worries for
people living with stoma
Your Change Routine
Is Important
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“I don’t want my ostomy
to stop me living my life”
Bent, living with an ostomy
Your Change Routine
Is Important
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    Request for Change Routine Guide

    Leakage and Ballooning

    If you worry about leakage and ballooning, you are not alone. A staggering 9 out of 10 people living with a stoma worry about them.1,2 77% have experienced leakage3 and 62% have experienced ballooning.1 The right change routine can help to reduce the risk of leakage and ballooning.4,5,6

    Common causes of leakage

    There could be several reasons for ostomy bags to leak. Some of the common reasons are listed below:

    • Loosening of baseplate adhesive
      • due to frequent body movements
      • poor absorption of moisture
    • Change in stoma size and abdominal shape due to weight gain or loss post-surgery
    • Change in stoma height (with reference to skin level)
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    Common causes of ballooning

    Ballooning can occur when

    • Stoma output blocks the bag filter
    • Bag filter becomes wet

    This causes the gases inside to inflate. At nighttime, this can affect your sleep.

    How change routine helps overcome leakage and ballooning

    ARC (Apply-Remove-Check): 3 steps to prevent leakage

    The Apply, Remove, Check (ARC) routine can help to prevent leakage and skin complications.6,7

    + Watch video about ARC routine

    Change the bag more frequently

    Significantly more people experience ballooning when they change their stoma bag less often than every 1-2 days.5

    Improve sleep and quality of life

    Reducing ballooning can help you feel more comfortable in your daily life.5 It can also reduce sleep disruption, which is proven to have a positive impact on quality of life.11

    What's inside change routine guide?

    • Details about the ARC routine
    • What’s skin irritation and examples of mild and severe skin irritations
    • Signs to check leakage around stoma
    • Causes of ballooning
    • Hints and tips to reduce ballooning

    Ostomy bags to help overcome leakage and ballooning

    SenSura Mio-Ostomy bags* that are equipped with

    • Hydrocolloids and BodyFit technology to provide “right fit”, moisture absorption, extra security that prevent leakage issues
    • Unique full-circle filter to reduce ballooning by 61% and provide better sleep

    Looking for personalised support on leakage and ballooning?

    We’ve got you! Coloplast® Care - a free support program – where we offer personalized support so you can live the life you want. No matter if your surgery is in the future, or if have years of experience, Coloplast Care is here to help you.

    1. Coloplast, Ostomy Life Study, 2016, Data-on-file (PM-05235)
    2. Coloplast, Ostomy Life Study, 2019, Data on file (PM-10499)
    3. Down G et al, Perception of leakage: Data from the ostomy life study 2019. Vol 30, No 22
    4. Rolstad, B. S. & Erwin-Toth P. L. Peristomal Skin Complications: Prevention and Management. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2004;50(9):68-77
    5. Claessens, I et al, The ostomy life study the everyday challenges faced by people living with a stoma in a snapshot, 2018, Vol 13 No 5
    6. Davis, J S et al. Factors impairing quality of life for people with an ostomy, vol 9 no 2 (Suppl) March 2011
    7. Burch, J Peristomal skin care and the use of accessories to promote skin health. BJN, 2011 (Stoma care supplement), Vol 20, No 7
    8. Meisner, S and Balleby, L Peristomal skin complications. Semin Colon RectalSurg 19:146-50. 2008
    9. Herlufsen, P et al. Study of peristomal skin disorders in patients with permanent stomas. BJN, 2006; vol. 15, No. 16;:854-862
    10. Voerggard, L et al, Ostomy bag management, Vol 16, No 2
    11. Kobelt et al. 2003, Productivity, vitality, and utility in a group of healthy professionally active individuals with nocturia. British Journal of Urology

    Disclaimer: Apply, Remove and Check are the three basic guidelines for a complete change routine. If you have any doubts or questions about your own specific routine, you should contact your Healthcare Professional.



    Assistance and Guidance just a call away!

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